
Friday 16 December 2016

Year 8 Graduation 2016!

On Wednesday 14th December all the year 8's from Panmure Bridge were invited to a Graduation dinner and dance at the Pakuranga Sailing Club hosted by all the staff and Board Of Trustees. To showcase our time at our Graduation, my friends and I made a google slide with photos on how our night went.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

PBS 2016

This collage is a reflection on our year at Panmure Bridge School in LS2. I have tried making my own collage using photos, different shapes, changing the colour backgrounds and changing the width of the boarders. I have included photos from Term 1 all the way to Term 4. It has been a long and hardworking year. We have had so many memories as a classroom. I remember when we started this year it was very awkward, but we got to manage each other at the end. One of the things I have enjoyed this year was when we caught the bus to the Panmure library to watch a performance by a famous book narrator by the name of Stig. Now that my hard work as a year 8 has paid off, I can finally use what I have learnt from this year and use it for my many years in College.

Tuesday 13 December 2016


This was a movie we watched yesterday and today. We filled in these documents Ms. Kirkpatrick sent us. You can see our activities we worked on as a group of four here above. In my group was Jorja, Te Wai, and Latham. You can also see our DLO we made on 1 thing a narrative structure had to have, a character intro, and our comment on what part of the movie to our eyes was the best.

Friday 9 December 2016

Flying our Rockets

Today we finally finished our rockest with Ms Ferguson and Mr. Dunn. After we finished our 3D rockets, we went outside to the field and flew them in the air. It was really awesome as well because Ms Ferguson got the drone and took videos of the students shooting their rockets in the air. We really enjoyed our day, as well as learning a little bit more about the physics of science. Thank you Mr. Dunn and Ms Ferguson these awesome two Fridays.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Hockey : session 4

Today was our last session for hockey this year 2016. But our coach Carly didn't come today, so Mr. Oglivie from LS1 took our hockey session today. We played this traffic light game, where the coach calls out all the colours. Green means go, red means stop, orange means you hit your ball from side to side with your hockey stick, silver means you have to travel REALLY fast with the ball, and purple means you have to go backwards. If you don't stop your ball on time or if you get caught by the sharks (sharks are the people that get out) then you are out. We also did relays where you had to go and zig-zag around the cones with the hockey ball and play a few games of hockey sorted into two teams. Our last session went very successfully and everyone had lots of good times.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Tahuna Torea

Yesterday LS2, LS1, and room 5 went to Tahuna Torea as our topic for inquiry has been flight and Godwit, so we went to see if we could find any Godwit's. In this DLO you will see what we have been doing

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Making Rockets @ Tamaki College

On Friday all of us year 7 and 8's went over to Tamaki College to do some rocket science and to build rockets and fly them into the sky. Sadly though, we didn't get to building them in the sky, but we will do that on December the 9th (hopefully if it isn't wet). So here are some collages of how we went at Tamaki College on that day. It was great fun, especially with our rocket teacher Mr. Dunn.

Reading 6/12 - Godwits

Today for reading we carried on what we did yesterday as we were filling in our question matrix about the Kauaka. THe long picture shown above was our multi-module reading tasks that we had to do. After we did our question matrix we used our prior knowledge to think of ways people travelled overseas today, 30 years ago, and 100 years ago. Later after we made our connections we did some reciprocal reading where we wrote on a piece of paper what our prediction on the story might be. Lastly we had some free time. 

Monday 5 December 2016

Rocket Follow Up DLO: Fair Testing

Last Friday on the 2nd of December 2016, all of us year 7 and 8's traveld by bus to Tamaki College to build and learn about rockets. We first had to do fair testing with our straw rockets. We recorded our plane results and answered all the questions inside this google slide. Have a look at our predictions and our conclusions.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Hockey: Session 3

Today was our third session for hockey. This time our coach Carly had a helper with her. We started with a game of hockey octopus. After a few rounds of that, we moved on to our challenges we did last Thursday like bouncing the hockey stick on our sticks for as long as we can and doing the most bounces on our hockey sticks. Lastly we were sorted out into two teams and played some real hockey games. It was really fun doing all these things in our hockey sessions.