
Friday 16 December 2016

Year 8 Graduation 2016!

On Wednesday 14th December all the year 8's from Panmure Bridge were invited to a Graduation dinner and dance at the Pakuranga Sailing Club hosted by all the staff and Board Of Trustees. To showcase our time at our Graduation, my friends and I made a google slide with photos on how our night went.

Wednesday 14 December 2016

PBS 2016

This collage is a reflection on our year at Panmure Bridge School in LS2. I have tried making my own collage using photos, different shapes, changing the colour backgrounds and changing the width of the boarders. I have included photos from Term 1 all the way to Term 4. It has been a long and hardworking year. We have had so many memories as a classroom. I remember when we started this year it was very awkward, but we got to manage each other at the end. One of the things I have enjoyed this year was when we caught the bus to the Panmure library to watch a performance by a famous book narrator by the name of Stig. Now that my hard work as a year 8 has paid off, I can finally use what I have learnt from this year and use it for my many years in College.

Tuesday 13 December 2016


This was a movie we watched yesterday and today. We filled in these documents Ms. Kirkpatrick sent us. You can see our activities we worked on as a group of four here above. In my group was Jorja, Te Wai, and Latham. You can also see our DLO we made on 1 thing a narrative structure had to have, a character intro, and our comment on what part of the movie to our eyes was the best.

Friday 9 December 2016

Flying our Rockets

Today we finally finished our rockest with Ms Ferguson and Mr. Dunn. After we finished our 3D rockets, we went outside to the field and flew them in the air. It was really awesome as well because Ms Ferguson got the drone and took videos of the students shooting their rockets in the air. We really enjoyed our day, as well as learning a little bit more about the physics of science. Thank you Mr. Dunn and Ms Ferguson these awesome two Fridays.

Thursday 8 December 2016

Hockey : session 4

Today was our last session for hockey this year 2016. But our coach Carly didn't come today, so Mr. Oglivie from LS1 took our hockey session today. We played this traffic light game, where the coach calls out all the colours. Green means go, red means stop, orange means you hit your ball from side to side with your hockey stick, silver means you have to travel REALLY fast with the ball, and purple means you have to go backwards. If you don't stop your ball on time or if you get caught by the sharks (sharks are the people that get out) then you are out. We also did relays where you had to go and zig-zag around the cones with the hockey ball and play a few games of hockey sorted into two teams. Our last session went very successfully and everyone had lots of good times.

Wednesday 7 December 2016

Tahuna Torea

Yesterday LS2, LS1, and room 5 went to Tahuna Torea as our topic for inquiry has been flight and Godwit, so we went to see if we could find any Godwit's. In this DLO you will see what we have been doing

Tuesday 6 December 2016

Making Rockets @ Tamaki College

On Friday all of us year 7 and 8's went over to Tamaki College to do some rocket science and to build rockets and fly them into the sky. Sadly though, we didn't get to building them in the sky, but we will do that on December the 9th (hopefully if it isn't wet). So here are some collages of how we went at Tamaki College on that day. It was great fun, especially with our rocket teacher Mr. Dunn.

Reading 6/12 - Godwits

Today for reading we carried on what we did yesterday as we were filling in our question matrix about the Kauaka. THe long picture shown above was our multi-module reading tasks that we had to do. After we did our question matrix we used our prior knowledge to think of ways people travelled overseas today, 30 years ago, and 100 years ago. Later after we made our connections we did some reciprocal reading where we wrote on a piece of paper what our prediction on the story might be. Lastly we had some free time. 

Monday 5 December 2016

Rocket Follow Up DLO: Fair Testing

Last Friday on the 2nd of December 2016, all of us year 7 and 8's traveld by bus to Tamaki College to build and learn about rockets. We first had to do fair testing with our straw rockets. We recorded our plane results and answered all the questions inside this google slide. Have a look at our predictions and our conclusions.

Thursday 1 December 2016

Hockey: Session 3

Today was our third session for hockey. This time our coach Carly had a helper with her. We started with a game of hockey octopus. After a few rounds of that, we moved on to our challenges we did last Thursday like bouncing the hockey stick on our sticks for as long as we can and doing the most bounces on our hockey sticks. Lastly we were sorted out into two teams and played some real hockey games. It was really fun doing all these things in our hockey sessions.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

LIfe at PBS

Today I have done a care award for Respect. This task I have done was making a collage about life at Panmure Bridge School. Today I put some collages about the different things we do here in PBS. If you would like to find out more we are also in the Manaiakalani Cluster, so you can see more over there.

Respected Leader Presentation

Today for one of my care award tasks I made a DLO (Digital, Learning, Object) on a respected leader called Richie McCaw. Not only is he a really good rugby player but also a fantastic role model for others. You can read my DLO to find out his values he has of being a leader.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Commenting - LS2

Today this morning our class had to buddy up with people and do comments on their blogs. I did Ma'ata's and Afu's blog. One of the blog posts I liked was Ma'ata's post on a game she played for maths. Another blog post I liked was Afu's post on how the Kauaka had a connection to the Maori people. You can check Afu and Ma'ata on their blogs too.

Monday 28 November 2016

Hundertwasser Art

This term for art we have been learning about Hundertwasser art. We learnt that he does not like drawing straight lines, so our art had to be nice and curvy with waves. I didn't get a picture of my finished artwork, but here is a photo of me and my buddy Afu working on our art. You can find Afu's blog here. Did you know that he lived in Kawakawa and designed the toilets over there? You can go and see for yourelf.

Friday 25 November 2016

Hockey - Session 3

Yesterday the year 8's did Hockey for Kiwi Sport.  We first practised dribbling the ball with our hockey stick and switched it between the people with the same hockey stick colour as us. Later on our coach called Carly told us to get into lines with the same stick colour. Next we played a game called Shark. You have to keep your ball safe from the other people and try and hit the other peoples ball out of the court so you can win and be the last girl/boy standing (or dribbling in this case). Lastly we to beat our score from last week when we bounced the hockey ball on our stick as many times as we can, and another challenge was when we had to bounce the ball on our stick for as long as we can without dropping the ball.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Reply to Term 1 Charlize

Dear Term 1 Me…

I read your letter to me about all the goals I had to achieve, and I am pleased to tell you I have improved very well. I remembered when we did the tests at the beginning of the year, and worked on what I needed to practise on, especially my maths. I was so close to stage 8 in maths, but got stage 7 instead. But hopefully I will be at stage 8 at the beginning of High School. I also read that you wanted me to improve in my writing, I’m getting there (sorry) but at least my narratives and recounts are better that my writing.
But now let’s break away from my school subjects, I have been very focused on my work and my blog posts, I’ve got now over 185 bog posts! Isn’t that amazing? I also practised my social skills (working collaboratively with my classmates, listening to the teacher, giving things a go) which has been going very well. I even made a small, but great group of friends. 2016 has been very busy (especially in Term 3) but like you said, all the hard work would be worth it at the end. It has been such a great year with the help of my teachers and classmates. So I can gladly tell you my year at Panmure Bridge School has been a big part of my life, and will also be a year I will never forget.   

This is my reply to Term 1 me from the letter I made at the beginning of this year. You can fin the letter I wrote before here.
In the letter Term 1 me wrote had all the goals I needed to achieve at the end of this year. Above is a picture of me in term 1 and a picture of me in term 4.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Are pigeons Special or Pests? Reading Follow Up

For the past few weeks, we have been learning about pigeons. One of the things we were also learning while talking about pigeons was to form our own opinion and to say why we felt that way. In the DLO above you will find all our synthesised ideas on pigeons being pests and heroes, how people communicated years ago, and much more. As well as our DLO we have also made a google drawing of all our ideas. You can click on the links to find our what our opinions are.

Storyboard - The connection between Maori and the Kauaka (Godwit)

Today for our last session of inquiry my partner Afu and I made a storyboard about the connection Maori people has with the Kauaka birds. Our learning intention for this task was to describe the importance of the kauaka to the Maori people. In this story it tells a fact of how the Kauaka came to be and some facts on how the Maori and the Kauaka are connected.

Quick Draw



Yesterday and today for reading we have been playing this game called Quick Draw. You are given 6 things to draw (not at the same time). For each thing you draw you have about 20 seconds to draw it. The computer on the other hand has to try and guess what it is. This helps you keep awake and is a pretty good warm up to get you focused for your work.

Thursday 17 November 2016

First Session - Hockey

Today for kiwi sport we did hockey with two of our new mentors. First we started off with a game called bull rush. Our mentor chose 3 people to go in the middle. Then our mentor called out something like "Run if you like food" and if you do, you try run to the other side without getting tagged. It was a great energiser to start off the session. Later one we learnt how to hold a hockey stick and to dribble the ball (also known as moving the ball from side to side). We just practised that plus running backwards and speeding while dribbling. A few minutes later when we got the hang of it we did more games to practice these skills like "Traffic Lights" and a real hockey game (kind of). We sadly didn't get any photos for our blog postbut we will try to get some for our next session next week.

Reading - Practising our Reading Skills

Today for reading our teacher Mrs Linka gave us these games to practising our reading skills we have been learning throughout the year (inferring, synthesising, Questioning, etc). We had to chose three games to play. The 1st game I played was Detective, which is where you are inferring. The second game was practising making connections with the text we read. While the 3rd game I played was just putting sentences together to make sense. 

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Neil Armstrong

This term for one of our inquiry topics was flight. This last task as we have recently searched about Jean Batten, we had to search up another aviator (guy pilot/flyer) or aviatrix (women pilot/flyer) and make a timeline about them. I chose Neil Armstrong. What I found about him that was similar to Jean Batten was that his parents (or one of their parents) pushed them to achieve their dream in flight.

Destroy the Ghost

Today me and my buddy Afu played a typing game which helps you type faster. All you have to do is type in the words that is closest to your screen and when you have finished typing in your word, you press enter and you will either kill the ghost or the ghost will scratch you and you will lose 1 life. My highest score was 4450, but Afu's score was higher.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Popplet - Godwit

This is our popplet on Godwit/Kauaka. Have a look inside to learn about their appearance, habitat, migration, and diet.

Inquiry - How do birds fly?

Last week we made a DLO on "How do birds fly". This is one of our new inquiry tasks. In the text boxes I wrote about their figure, the wind that passes them, and how the wind lifts the bird. Plus much more. You can have a look at my DLO to learn more about how birds fly.

Maths - Thinking Block Addition

Today in maths we had a game that we were asked to play called Thinking Blocks Addition. In a purple box in the top of the screen you are asked a word problem, you are taken step by step to solve the problem using blocks and boxes. This helps with your addition and your understanding of word problems. Our learning intention was solving word problems.

Recount - That moment I almost Died

Today and yesterday we have been working on a recount story. Our teacher got us into partners (or in 3's) to go back-to-back. When our teacher put the timer on for 15 minutes, we each had a turn writing a sentence. When we finished, we reviewed our work to see if it made sense. This recount I made with my partners Afu and Ma'ata was based on the picture above and we had to retell what happened before or after this event happened. IN our story we were also trying to use similes, hyperbole, personification, and time connectives. To help us write our recount we used TREE (Title, Reveal, Explain, and End).

Reading Follow Up - Pigeons are Special or Pests

These past few weeks we have been reading about pigeon post. This DLO has photo collages on pigeons in Venice and Trafalgar square. We also talked about communication back in the olden days, our main ideas about our audio book we listened to and this blog post two people from last year made, our compare and contrast chart, and our opinions on if pigeons are special or pests. Plus our 25 word summary. Our two learning intentions were 1) to use our prior knowledge to make stronger connections and 2) to identify the main ideas in a text. Our synthesised opinion was that they are half and half. Although they leave feces everywhere and carry very bad diseases, they are also life savers and great messengers full of bravery.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Comments Manaiakalani

Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick

Point England

Point England
Panmure Bridge

Today I have made comments on schools around the Maniakalani Cluster. I didn't manage to get to everyschool but these are just the recent ones I have done. Some of these comments were on some of the movies the schools made for the Film Festival. All these classes have done some really good work. Well done.

Cyber Smart Game -

Two weeks ago me and my partner Sa Kae were playing the Cyber Smart game. In this task we used one of the google draw items called "Voice typing". In the black writing is what we were suppose to say through the microphone, and in the red writing is the things that the microphone typed in according to what it heard. Also, in the highlighted sections are either misspelt words or words that weren't meant to be in the sentence

Hyperbole - what is it?

Yesterday and today for writing we have been looking at the word Hyperbole. On this DLO it talks about what the word means, how this word and it's ability's can enhance your writing, and a brief explanation of my work. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Cyber Smart - shorcuts

Today we played that Cyber Smart game again and landed on this task. Our question me and my partner Sa Kae and I had to think about was "What are the shortcut keys for cut, copy and paste?" and "Why would you use copy instead of cut before pasting?". We were quite confused at what the second question was saying but the we figured it out later. Here is our work.