
Thursday 17 November 2016

First Session - Hockey

Today for kiwi sport we did hockey with two of our new mentors. First we started off with a game called bull rush. Our mentor chose 3 people to go in the middle. Then our mentor called out something like "Run if you like food" and if you do, you try run to the other side without getting tagged. It was a great energiser to start off the session. Later one we learnt how to hold a hockey stick and to dribble the ball (also known as moving the ball from side to side). We just practised that plus running backwards and speeding while dribbling. A few minutes later when we got the hang of it we did more games to practice these skills like "Traffic Lights" and a real hockey game (kind of). We sadly didn't get any photos for our blog postbut we will try to get some for our next session next week.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charlize,
    Your explanation is very clear on what we did at Hockey. I think you should add some images so people who have never played or seen hockey can have an idea of what it might be. Good work and keep up the hard work :)
