
Wednesday 31 August 2016

Hit the button

Today I have been playing hit the button. It is a very  cool game to help you with your times tables, halves, doubles, division facts, even square numbers. But today I did mixed up times tables and I got 30 out of 30! I recommend this game for people yr 5 - 8. But I think I can do better next time. The bottom image was for square numbers.

Monday 29 August 2016

High Jump Comparison

Today's task was to find a picture of our self doing either long jump, running, or high jump at run, jump throw with Andi and compare it to an athlete. Then as you can see at the bottom are the tips you need to remember for doing high jump.  The things I needed to work on from my high jump skills was to do left left right right and to manage my time wisely. Hopefully when I master these skills I could become a great high jumper.

Thursday 25 August 2016

My Magic Box

This week we have been reading this poem called The Magic Box. Our teacher then told us to make a poem like The Magic Box, but to make it our own. So this is what I came up with. Hope you like it.


This is my second DLO I did for inquiry this term with Mrs Anderson. Hauora is the Maori belief of health and is very unique to New Zealand. In this DLO there were 4 challenges we did. Challenge 1 was attributing images, Challenge 2 was working in a group to build the Whare Tapu Wha and explain what would happen if one of these walls fell down. Challenge 3 was to take our heart rate, and lastly Challenge 4 was to make a Canva about Hauora. If you would like to see what my group and I, Nazanin, Haijera, and Troy did, look inside this slide.


This is my first DLO for inquiry I made about Training with Mr. O. We learnt about how Olympic athletes train for the different sports they do. We also learnt about warming up for sports and attributing images. To see more, click here in this DLO.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

The Warriors came to our school

Today was a dream come true for some of us at Panmure Bridge School, because we got to see some people from the Warriors! We had Ryan Hoffman, John Palavi, Georgia, and Alice from DTR. We have lots of fun being in teams and playing lots of games. Some people were in the Hoff team and some people (like me) were on the JB team. They then gave us trivia questions, sleep facts, true or false questions, and lots of fun memories. I would like to thank everyone from the warriors who came today to our assembly. We had a great time.

Monday 22 August 2016

Football Math

Today for maths I was playing a decimal place value game called Football Math. You have to chuck the football to you team member. If your team member receives the ball, you will be given a decimal place value question, for example " 209.897 has which digit in the thousandths column?" That is when you choose your answer. If you get it right three times in a row, you get bonus points.

Friday 19 August 2016

Long Jump

On Thursday we had Run, Jump, Throw. After Andi talked to us, we played Octopus tag as a warm up. Next we started practising our long jumps by using our arms, running off one foot and landing on two, and squatting as you land so you keep balanced. These are tips you need to remember when you do long jump. Lastly we had a Jump-off challenge. Everyone did a good job.

Olympic spirit

Yesterday we did current events. Our current event was about how two of these ladies helped each other throughout the running race at the Olympics. They both showed fair play which is what the Olympics are all about.

Thursday 18 August 2016

Olympic Athlete Silhouettes

Yesterday while most of our class was out at netball, we did art the whole day. For our art we were making silhouettes of people from different Olympic sports. The sport I chose was fencing because it is a sport that I have never tried and that I am really interested in. But the learning in this task was about sportsman ship. If we finished a step in our art work, we had to wait til everyone was finished. We had lots of fun.

Friday 12 August 2016

Olympic venues then and now

We have been learning to consider both sides of a provocation so that we can make an informed opinion. Mrs Anderson asked us to think about if host countries should spend so much money on the Olympics. To make our informed opinions we had to search up different opinions on this question, one person saying yes and one person saying no. After searching for these opinions, we had to read these comments to form our own opinions on this question.  The pictures at the bottom of my DLO are the comparisons of the aquatic Olympic venue in Beijing 2008 on the left and what it looks like now on the right.

Thursday 11 August 2016

Run Jump Throw #2

Today for P.E we did Run Jump Throw with Andy, our coach. We met up in the hall so she could tell us what we will be practising today. After that she took us outside to play Octopus tag. This helped me with my agility. Next she got us to practise getting ready for a distance and a sprint race. In sprints the person says "On your marks, get set, (BANG)!" but in distance races, the person says "On your marks, (BANG)". When we get ready for either of these races, we step a metre from the line, take one step at the edge of the line, and then bend our legs and our elbows. If your left  leg is in front, it will always be the opposite arm out in front. Remember to be light on your feet, look straight ahead, and do 'cheek to cheek' ( That means when you swing your arm, it swings up to your face cheek and your bum cheek).

Monday 8 August 2016

The Big Sleepout

Today for reading we were making a DLO on a current event that happened last month. This was called "The Big Sleep Out". I also made a current event DLO when the people were sleeping in cars. This event was to help raise money for the homeless.

Sunday 7 August 2016

Hover Bike Advertisment

These past weeks we have been learning about advertising and what persuasive languages they use. In this advertisement my partners and I made, we used rhetorical questions, appealing words, low prices, and the group three rule.

My Olympic Logo

This is my Olympic logo I have designed myself. Around the Olympic rings I have a mountain which represents Mount Everest (when Edmund Hillary from NZ was one of the first people to climb up it). On both sides there are 2 green ferns, which symbols our beautiful forests. The yellow arrows encourage other kiwis to aim high and reach the stars, if not, at least a mountain. At the bottom of the mountain is suppose to be the water around Mount Everest, representing our high achievements we have made as NZ. And lastly, the four red stars around the logo is the southern cross, like on our New Zealand flag.

Tuesday 2 August 2016


Today our teacher got our whole class to go on Quizizz. In this maths game, we were recalling our times table as fast as we could. Our whole class participated. We only had 10 second to answer our 5 times table questions. When we looked at our score, it shows us how much we need to work  on for our times tables.


Today for reading we played a game about inferring. This game is on this website. This game helps with your understanding on inferring and how to do it.